Conference Papers and Public Talks

Jus Post Bellum and the Russell Tribunal: A Theory of ‘Unofficial Justice’ for the Just War Tradition,” International Studies Association (ISA) West (Pasadena, CA), 23 September 2023.

“Space, Ontological Security, and Christo and Jean-Claude’s Wrapped Reichstag (1995),” Space and Security Workshop, University of St Andrews (July 2023)

To Care in a Time of Carelessness: A Caring Theory of Theory?,” International Studies Association (ISA) West (Pasadena, CA), 24 September 2022.

“On the ‘Flesh’ of Public ‘Things’: Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped Reichstag (1995),” International Studies Association (ISA) West (Pasadena, CA), 24 September 2021.

“A ‘Caring’ Cosmopolitanism: Hannah Arendt and ‘Caring for the World,’” Loughborough Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Lecture Series (Talk given via Zoom), 25 February 2021.

“Digital Things and 'Thingly' Power: Revisiting the UN-HONY Collaboration,” North American Society for Social Philosophy (University of Aston, Pennsylvania), 16 – 18 July 2020 (Paper accepted but conference was cancelled due to COVID-19).

“Caring for the World in ‘Dark Times’: Hannah Arendt and Amor Mundi,” Edinburgh International Center for Spirituality and Peace (Augustine United Church, Edinburgh), 20 May 2017.

“Worldly Stories and Narrative Voices: The Conceptual Foundations of a Caring Cosmopolitanism,” Edinburgh – St. Andrews Political Theory Workshop (University of Edinburgh), 13 January 2017.

“Ordering Justice: Anticipating Jacques Derrida’s ‘Democracy to Come,’” St. Andrews Graduate Conference in International Political Theory (University of St. Andrews), 27 May 2016.

“The ‘Power’ of Political (Re)conciliation: Founding and Facilitating the Work of Cooperation,” Conference for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics (University of Leeds), 16 October 2015.

“Reconceptualizing reconciliation and justice: Repositioning the ‘self’ on a reconfigured spectrum of political power,” Polylog – 5th Intercultural Interdisciplinary Colloquium at the Institute for Science and Art (Vienna), 20 May 2015.

“Theorizing the ‘Power to’ Forgive: Forgiveness & Anatomies of Power,” Forgiveness & Reconciliation: Probing the Boundaries - The Forgiveness Project, (Dubrovnik), 10 May 2015.

“The Language of Conflict: Vengeance and Forgiveness as Linguistic Constructs,” Rotary Club of St. Andrews (University of St. Andrews), 1 April 2015.

“A ‘World’ Ethic: The Conceptual Nexus between Care Ethics and Arendt’s (Political) Forgiveness,” MANCEPT Workshops (University of Manchester), 9 September 2014.

“Political Evil and the Hegemonic Rule of Revenge: Analyzing Revenge and Forgiveness through a Gramscian Lens,” 2nd St. Andrews Graduate Conference in IPT (University of St. Andrews), 23 May 2014.

“A Caring Forgiveness for our ‘World’: An Arendtian (Political) Forgiveness in Conjunction with the Ethics of Care,” North West Gender Conference (Lancaster University), 22 April 2014.